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Viewpoint: New pot laws will cover all the bases

Viewpoint: New pot laws will cover all the bases

The current medical-marijuana regime is a slapstick farce from a legal point of view. Maybe that’s why the provincial government is being so serious when it comes to BC’s new framework for recreational cannabis.
Letter: Troublesome access

Letter: Troublesome access

It is interesting to compare two of the recent zoning change proposals in Westview [“City considers residential development projects,” April 18].
Cartoon: Gas prices

Cartoon: Gas prices

Gas prices getting you down? What do you think of this week's cartoon?
Editorial: By candlelight

Editorial: By candlelight

World War I ended in November of 1918, but Canadian soldiers are still losing their lives 100 years later while helping to restore order in several countries throughout the world.
Counterpoint: Money isn’t everything

Counterpoint: Money isn’t everything

The recent Supreme Court of Canada decision upholding New Brunswick’s law limiting the import of booze from Quebec is a huge victory for those who believe in regulation in the public interest.
Cartoon: A drop in the ocean

Cartoon: A drop in the ocean

What do you think of this week's cartoon?
Editorial: Powell River Farmers' Market meets many needs

Editorial: Powell River Farmers' Market meets many needs

Major work parties have been taking place over the past several weeks to spruce up the grounds, booths and facilities at Powell River Farmers’ Market in Paradise Valley for its season-opening weekend.
Viewpoint: Ambulance brigade destruction affects everyone

Viewpoint: Ambulance brigade destruction affects everyone

There is no funeral or “Celebration of Life” for the St. John Ambulance branch and brigade that started in Powell River in 1911.
Letter: Hugs in abundance

Letter: Hugs in abundance

Mr. Crossley ended his letter [“Letters: Laws recognize women’s rights,” April 18] by saying an alternative to the flag display [“Anti-abortion group plans demonstration,” April 11] would be a million kind words and a million hugs.
Viewpoint: Addressing climate change

Viewpoint: Addressing climate change

In 1962, Rachel Carson, the mother of the modern environmental movement, laid bare the dangers of chemical pesticides in her groundbreaking book, Silent Spring , providing rich food for thought for today’s environmental activists.