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BC businesses want tax bills cut

BC businesses want tax bills cut

On average, BC small businesses will pay 2.6 times the municipal property tax of an equivalently valued residence. To put this in dollar terms, in 2015 an average residential property in Vancouver was worth $1,532,937.
Viewpoint: Take control of highway system

Viewpoint: Take control of highway system

by Christopher McMillan Newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised billions of dollars in infrastructure spending to Canadians, part of his platform for “real change.
Letters: January 13, 2016

Letters: January 13, 2016

Light at the end: At BC Ferries, we are keenly aware of the inconvenience caused to our customers by the Queen of Burnaby being out of service [“Ferry requires repairs during January,” January 6].
Editorial: Ferry dependent

Editorial: Ferry dependent

With the number of complaints about interruptions in BC Ferries service over the past week, it’s no surprise the corporation decided to give everyone travelling between Saltery Bay and Earls Cove a free ride this past Sunday and Monday.
Editorial cartoon: January 13, 2016

Editorial cartoon: January 13, 2016

What do you think of this week's editorial cartoon?
Viewpoint: Detoxing not required for good health

Viewpoint: Detoxing not required for good health

by Paul Martiquet The human body is very efficient at detoxing when it comes to self-cleansing and protection from chemical damage, but you wouldn’t think that if you looked at the claims and promises of what might be termed a detoxing industry.
Editorial: Welcome to Tla’amin

Editorial: Welcome to Tla’amin

Those driving along Highway 101 coming into Tla’amin will notice a new sign at the side of the road that proudly proclaims “Welcome to Tla’amin Nation.
Editorial cartoon: January 6, 2016

Editorial cartoon: January 6, 2016

What do you think of this week's editorial cartoon?
Editorial: A mighty year

Editorial: A mighty year

During the process of compiling this year’s highlights, a staggering fact became apparent: 2015 was a momentous year for Powell River.
Editorial cartoon: December 30, 2015

Editorial cartoon: December 30, 2015

What do you think of this week's editorial cartoon?