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Editorial cartoon: Valentine's Day

Editorial cartoon: Valentine's Day

What do you think of this week's editorial cartoon?
Viewpoint: Connecting to change

Viewpoint: Connecting to change

We are all aware that everything we do causes a reaction. We take a step forward and our foot has to land somewhere.
Letters: Get facts straight about hunters

Letters: Get facts straight about hunters

Get facts straight about hunters I thought I would give my thoughts on the story in last week’s paper [“Arrow strikes anger on Texada Island,” February 3].
Editorial: Love thyself

Editorial: Love thyself

Valentine’s Day can bring up mixed feelings for some, mostly because love is such a complicated emotion.
Editorial cartoon: Texada Island bowhunters

Editorial cartoon: Texada Island bowhunters

What do you think of this week's editorial cartoon?
Viewpoint: One more fixed-link study to go

Viewpoint: One more fixed-link study to go

There’s nothing like an “informed debate” over something that will never happen to split a community in two and draw attention away from a legitimate issue affecting the common good.
Letters: By-election; lakes; rabbit culling

Letters: By-election; lakes; rabbit culling

By-election call premature With regard to Electoral Area B director Stan Gisborne’s situation [“Residents request by-election,” January 20], I am surprised and really disappointed that a dozen or so residents of Area B would go to the extent of calli
Editorial: One big family

Editorial: One big family

Reading Claudia Medina-Culós’ thoughts on Family Day in this issue provided a moment of clarity, and also some time for reflection. It has been stated many times, but it can never really be stated enough: we choose our family.
Editorial: Secure food

Editorial: Secure food

For some residents, food security only becomes a problem when a head of cauliflower costs $7, or a bag of rice is almost double the price it was three years ago, but there's an option so much clearer than buying overpriced food.
Letters: Dare we ask why

Letters: Dare we ask why

Regarding the "unprecedented" expectation of Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) that the regional government here assume hospital equipment expenses that have heretofore been provincial responsibility ["Hospital decision on hold," January 20], the questi