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Editorial Cartoon: Wool over eyes

Editorial Cartoon: Wool over eyes

What do you think of this week's editorial cartoon?
Editorial: Common sense

Editorial: Common sense

Last February, I and other members of the community formed a non-profit society to engage and support the local independent music scene.
Viewpoint: Townsite Brewing Beer lounge beneficial

Viewpoint: Townsite Brewing Beer lounge beneficial

City of Powell River council recently passed a motion to advise BC Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) that local government does not object to Townsite Brewing’s application for an endorsement to its manufacturer’s licence to operate a 10-sea
Letters: Check record, not age

Letters: Check record, not age

Our government is allowing [Insurance Corporation of BC] to discriminate with impunity against our seniors [“Assessments for aging drivers,” February 24].
Viewpoint: Travel-barrier solutions easy

Viewpoint: Travel-barrier solutions easy

Since last October, I have enjoyed the services of Pacific Coastal Airlines to commute from Powell River to Vancouver on Mondays and Fridays. I am a seasoned commuter and when we had fog recently I opted to take the ferry.
Editorial Cartoon: Regional recreation survey

Editorial Cartoon: Regional recreation survey

What do you think of this week's editorial cartoon?
Editorial: Aging gracefully

Editorial: Aging gracefully

When I was younger and more cantankerous, I mistakenly thought older generations had narrower minds. My erroneous assumption was that as generations passed we became more and more educated on social issues and our minds became more open.
Letters: Accessibility needed

Letters: Accessibility needed

Thank you Réal Saint Laurent for shedding light on the elephant in the room: our inaccessible city hall ["Letters: Hypocritical council," February 24].
Viewpoint: Harbour reputation redeemed

Viewpoint: Harbour reputation redeemed

In response to the Viewpoint entitled “Property taxes subsidize moorage” in the February 17 issue of the Peak, please be assured that the assertion of a taxpayers subsidy is erroneous, that all the North Harbour costs are covered through moorage and
Letters: Scrutinize all drivers

Letters: Scrutinize all drivers

When it comes down to driving in fractions ["Assessments for aging drivers," February 24], do not pick on the seniors. A lot of us seniors have good driving records. There are a lot of retired seniors that travel and enjoy their lives on the road.