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How do I stay motivated to work out?

Ask an Expert: Karina Inkster

Ah, motivation. Sometimes we have it, and sometimes we don’t.

While it’s important to keep in mind your underlying motivators for being active (e.g. mental health, increasing bone density, keeping up with the grandkids, being prepared for the zombie apocalypse, etc), being consistent with our workouts day-to-day can be challenging.

My advice? Train yourself to operate *without* motivation.

Some wise words from James Clear, in his excellent book Atomic Habits:

“Really successful people feel the same lack of motivation as everyone else. The difference is that they still find a way to show up despite the feelings of boredom. If you only do the work when it’s convenient or exciting, then you’ll never be consistent enough to achieve remarkable results.”

Karina Inkster is a qathet region health and fitness coach, author of five books, and host of the No-B.S. Vegan podcast.

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